
Questionable Truth House Interventions to KPK

House of Representatives a statement assessing the Vice Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission regarding the frequency of the House Mochamad Jasin KPK needs to be checked again intervene in the truth.

  "I think what really needs to be checked no intervention," said According to the Secretary General of the United Development Party Faction, M Romahurmuziy, when found in Warung Daun, Cikini Jakarta, Saturday, August 20, 2011.

Politicians who familiarly called Romy asked all parties to respect the rights owned by the House oversight. However, he said that if there is communication outside the authority of parliament, it should be feasible complained to the House of Representatives of the Honorary. "If there is an SMS, it needs to be processed on the Board of Honor, this is a constitutional process," he said.

He added, in any proceedings in the House like a hearing with the Commission, fractions never intervene members to behave. "Do not intervene during the meeting. In fact, if any (communication) outside the meeting we may suspect," said Romy.

Related eight candidates KPK leaders, Romy explained that all figures are currently available meet the qualifications. He proposed three requirements. "First, do not have any problem sedkit, juridical and ethical. If there's no hope of ethical issues. Second, do not have a political burden on the regime and any political party. Third, should kenegrawanan."

Romy himself admitted, his party has not been directed at the choice of a particular figure. "Figures can not nentuin, still simmering," she said.

As is known, the Vice Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission Mochamad Jasin revealed, it is often interfered with by the House of Representatives in the handling of some cases. Interventions carried out via telephone.

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